STATE OF THE ART? - the position of art in Israel and the position of Israel in the art world
October 15, 2017 17.00
Israel, the state approaching (only) the 70th anniversary of its establishment in 1948 is more often associated with discussions surrounding politics than art. But with a rich cultural past, a creative community and an entrepreneurial spirit spanning its some 21,000-square-kilometer footprint, the country may be seen by many as a model for the appreciation of art, combining 21st century lifestyle with deep cultural devotion, well-illustrated by the fact that Israel has the international honor of housing the most museums per capita in the world.
A panel of some deeply involved art professionals discusses how a country of such a relatively small size can become a hub for contemporary art, and observes the recipe of a buzzing art scene that has helped Israel emerge as a prime cultural destination.

Leah Abir
SpeakerLeah Abir
Curator, RawArt Gallery; Chief Editor, TOHU Magazine, Tel Aviv

Tamara Abramovitch
SpeakerTamara Abramovitch
Curator, Israel Museum, Jerusalem